Brownfield Redevelopment

Brownfield Redevelopment

Brownfield Redevelopment (“Site Packaging”) is a service offering developed by EPI that effectively combines the requisite environmental investigatory and remedial work including geotechnical and soil management with engineering permitting and horizontal site development for a “pad ready” site delivery to clients.

  • Created in a direct response to the markets demands for turn-key site development solutions
  • Not currently offered by competitors in the market
  • Overwhelming positive client response
  • Over 85 site packaging projects since 2008

Site Packing Benefits:

  • Assures that the Remedial Action Plan and Response Action Completion Report requirements are properly implemented during the horizontal construction phase so that No Further Remediation letter can be issued.
  • Efficient navigation of complex regulatory requirements that can delay development of contaminated properties. Ability to leverage EPI’s deep-rooted knowledge of the Site Remediation Program.
  • Generates savings and efficiency to the earthwork and soil management a component of a project.
  • Drives greater efficiency, reduces costs, and shortens timelines through initial site development planning, due diligence, remediation, geotechnical, and soil management to horizontal construction.
  • Drives transparent and comprehensive estimation of project cost for each project component and deliverable.
  • Provides a single point of contact to curate all site development activities and eliminates coordination with multiple consultants and contractors which can create conflict, delays, and inefficiency.

For additional references and qualifications, please contact us at